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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Lunge Lodge News

Todd and I managed to get out for a few hours of fishing on Friday. We ended up enjoying one of those rare times where everything lines up. We fished a spot on Satchel's bay, that in the past, was good to us. We set anchor in 18ft, in front of a weed bed, and proceeded to catch fish after fish for an hour straight. When the frenzy ended we counted 8 walleye, 14 smallmouth, and a 30 inch pike. Our largest walleye was 5lbs, and our biggest bass was 4lbs. We also caught a fat 20 inch Blue walleye. Todd proves once again we are a full service Lodge as he wrestles with a Black bear for the guests.

Overall the fishing has been good. The walleyes are still in 25ft or less. Due to the cooler weather, the surface temp remains in the low 70s. Smallmouth are in 10 -16 ft in front of the weed beds. The muskie fishing is slow but will pick up with the arrival of August. The pike are being caught in cabbage weed beds that are near deep water.


At 7/15/2007 1:47 AM, Blogger Jay said...

Wrestle? looks like he's getting a bear hickey. That's crazy man.

At 7/16/2007 7:38 AM, Blogger Tony said...

Suddenly, those 'blue' walleye aren't so rare! What's up with that?

At 7/16/2007 7:39 AM, Blogger Tony said...

Come to think of it, that bear looks kind of blue. I think she misses the Toddster...


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