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Friday, August 24, 2007

What a way to start!

Sid and I got in late Thursday, but managed to get about an hour of "practice" in, anticipating the next day.

We started out early Friday morning, with Sid catching this nice smallmouth.

Around noon, I hooked into and landed a fat 45 incher out on a main channel shoal.As luck would have it, after dinner I hit on my first ever double-header, a feisty 37 inch fish, caught on a Top Raider.
After watching a beautiful sunset,
the evening closed out with this nice 34" northern.
Can't wait 'till morning...


At 8/26/2007 11:18 AM, Blogger John said...


Congrats on the double-header! That's awesome!! I always enjoy reading your comments... and enjoy seeing your photos even more.

~ John

At 8/26/2007 10:13 PM, Blogger Tony said...

Thanks John - this is one hell of a week so far, and it's only Sunday!


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