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Monday, May 21, 2007

Day 3

With improving weather (warmer temperatures and bright skies) the outlook improved. I caught a small pike before breakfast and several others in the afternoon in Twilight Bay where the emerging cabbage weeds are holding these fish.The smallmouth continue their feisty ways; this 4 pounder that fell for a Texas-rigged 4 inch grub, was my biggest yet this week.


At 5/22/2007 9:08 AM, Blogger goat said...

great catches and reports mr. p. those smallies are PIGS!!!! we will have to work on you getting a new sweatshirt when you get back though. that one is a little to blue and gold!!!

At 5/23/2007 8:48 AM, Blogger Tony said...


That sweatshirt has been a lifesaver! The oversized hoodie keeps the black flies away from my face. For some reason, they dislike the color yellow. (Or maybe they're Ed's fans!)


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