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Tuesday, September 11, 2007



Conditions: cloudy, upper 60s, and winds from the east.Once again the team of Big Bob Collins and Michael Pettry pulled out the win by a few ounces. They weighed in a great mixed bag of Large and Small mouths. Mike took big fish with a 4lb 11oz smallmouth. The four fish weighed 12lb 4oz.

Second place team of Joe and Dan Pettry weighed in an impressive bag of smallies at 12lb 1oz.

Mike Petras and Matt Fussner finished third with a 10lb bag.
Brendan Breen and Tom Albertini finished fourth with a 8lb 3oz bag.
The tournament was a huge success, with the winners holding over a 3lb average. Thanks again to the Pettrys for holding the annual event.

Oh, by the way, these fish were caught after the tournament:
Steve Pettry
Joe Pettry poses with his third musky of the day.


At 9/12/2007 5:42 AM, Blogger Tony said...

Nice bass, guys. The Ohio contingent made a great showing!

Congratulations on the muskies, Joe & Steve.

At 9/12/2007 11:43 AM, Blogger Jay said...

Nice fish, everyone. Can anyone tell me the current surface temp?


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